I’m not exactly sure what to do with this. I might be seeing parallels that really aren’t there. Here is a “Wall Street Journal” article about workplace drug testing.
The article points out that some companies continue to screen for marijuana use, even in states where it is legal. A positive test for marijuana is not necessarily an indication of intoxication as there is a thirty-day window for detection.
Rayne Palombit, a 31-year old psychologist in Los Angeles, said that she smokes a marijuana… Palombit lives in a state where marijuana is legal, she was subject to a drug test for a recent job opening at a center for troubled teens. “I had to stop using marijuana for 30 days in order to pass the test,” she said. “I’m a professional person who uses legal substances.”
Wall Street Journal, May 18, 2023
That’s kinda like owning an AR-15. Some individuals go out and shoot up neighborhoods or schools with their AR-15. Most AR-15 owners are responsible gun owners who possess and use a legal object. The move is to legalize weed and ban guns. Up is down, down is up.
After all marijuana is harmless and less destructive than alcohol. Yeah, no. New studies are sounding a warning. Most never see the light of day via the MSM, but they are out there. Some experts are even using the term addiction and marijuana in the same sentence. I know, I know let’s change the terms.
Ever heard of Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome? Or how about Cannabis Use Disorder?
Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) affects people who use cannabis (marijuana). CHS causes frequent, severe nausea and vomiting. You have a higher risk of developing CHS if you use cannabis at least once a week. Your risk also increases if you have used cannabis since adolescence. The only way to cure CHS is to stop using cannabis.
Cleveland Clinic
Cannabis use disorder (CUD) is a diagnosis given for problematic marijuana use. This condition was introduced in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition or DSM-5. The previous DSM edition separated problematic use into two different disorders: cannabis abuse and cannabis dependence.
Here are some other studies.
- A 2019 European study found hospitalizations for psychosis are related to the average THC concentration in locally available cannabis.
- A new U.S. study found hospitalizations for psychosis are higher in geographical areas with the most liberal cannabis legalization laws.
- Quebec has responded to research confirming the connection between cannabis and psychosis by restricting THC concentration to 30%.
At the Woodstock Music and Art Fair in 1969, a typical joint delivered 1 percent THC. By 1980, a joint might provide 3 percent THC… Today, THC levels range depending upon the specific strain of plant, growing conditions, cultivation practices, and method of consumption. On average, levels are likely to be 15 to 30 percent. However, if the marijuana has been concentrated into one or another kind of “extract”—such as oils, tinctures, and other concentrates—levels are closer to 80 percent and may go as high as 95 percent.
This ain’t your grandpa’s weed. This isn’t a scare tactic from grandpa’s time either. This isn’t about a single joint. It isn’t about an occasional social smoke out. The effects reported are linked to chronic users of high potency weed.
Here’s a homework assignment. Chart the locations that legalized marijuana and compare them to locations where mass shootings have taken place. Investigate the various shooters to establish if they were chronic marijuana users. Throw in any indications that the shooters suffered psychosis or schizophrenia. Here are some of the symptoms of psychotic behavior. How many boxes did recent shooters tick?
- However, a person will often show changes in their behavior before psychosis develops. Behavioral warning signs for psychosis include:
- Suspiciousness, paranoid ideas, or uneasiness with others
- Trouble thinking clearly and logically
- Withdrawing socially and spending a lot more time alone
- Unusual or overly intense ideas, strange feelings, or a lack of feelings
- Decline in self-care or personal hygiene
- Disruption of sleep, including difficulty falling asleep and reduced sleep time
- Difficulty telling reality from fantasy
- Confused speech or trouble communicating
- Sudden drop in grades or job performance
Why would democrats favor marijuana legalization? Psychology Today may have supplied the answer. It’s all about maintaining the voter base.
What happens when this high-potency pot hits the still-developing teenaged brain isn’t danger-free… But in teens, IQ can drop by 8 points and never recover.
Psychology Today, May 12, 2023
At least two of these studies have been published within the last month. Maybe somebody has been paying attention. Four mass shootings in rapid succession, Nashville, TN, Louisville, KY, Allen, TX and Farmington, NM all involving disturbed individuals with mental health issues. Wonder what they were smoking?
Federal Law prohibits marijuana users from buying, selling or possessing firearms (18 USC 922 G). In February, a US District Judge in Oklahoma ruled that the gun ban was unconstitutional.