It Depends…

FBI Director can’t decide whether Trump was hit by a bullet or shrapnel. This seems to be a distinction without a difference. Some liberals feel like Trump had it coming. Most sane folks would probably agree they are disappointed that political discourse has sunk to the level that shooting at a candidate is a viable campaign strategy. Democrats are disappointed because the shooter missed.

The head of the FBI made the stunning assertion Wednesday that former President Donald Trump may not have been struck by an actual bullet when a deranged gunman attempted to assassinate him at a political rally — and was instead injured by shrapnel.

FBI Director Christopher Wray

John Kerry got hit by shrapnel, three times. He got three purple hearts a Bronze Star and a Silver Star for his boo-boos. Kerry is a hero.

Trump, in certain quarters, it’s his fault he got shot. Afterall he shouldn’t have provoked the shooter. Trump’s actions caused the Secret Service to kill a good boy who was studying to be a rocket surgeon or something.

What’s an eight-letter word for scumbag traitors? I know, I know DEMOCRAT!

Here’s an exercise for you. I used Bing. Your results may vary. In the search function; type Trump Shot, images. One would expect to find this image.

Guess what nope, nada, zilch. Not there. There no images depicting the aftereffects of the assignation attempt. If the media refuses to publish photos of events that do not fit the narrative, does that mean the events never happened. That could never happen here. Oh yeah?

Editor at ‘major news outlet’ tells media to bury iconic photo of Trump after assassination attempt: report (

Axios cited a photo editor and photographer “from a major news outlet” who suggested the media refrain from using the photo “despite how good it is” to avoid casting the former president in a positive light.

Fox News