I got a call from my brother asking “where did they get the DNA to match, in order to identify the shooter? Power Line, among others, repeats the question. There is a simple explanation. It is simple providing one has dealt with the FBI (Fucking Bunch of Idiots). I will provide the answer below.
ANOTHER THING: I meant to mention this earlier. Reportedly, Crooks was not carrying identification and was identified through DNA. I don’t understand that. How was the FBI or Secret Service able to identify Crooks through his DNA, almost immediately? Crooks apparently didn’t have a criminal record, so why would his DNA be somehow on file with law enforcement? Obviously there is an answer, but I don’t know what it is.
Power Line
I wasn’t there so my explanation takes a couple of paths. Each ultimately reaches the destination. First of all, one must know that Occam’s Razor does not apply when dealing with the FBI. For those not familiar with the concept, Occam’s Razor, it states the simplest explanation is usually correct, or something like that.
Nothing attracts cops as kibitzers like a head shot dead body. As the cops looked down on the rapidly cooling corpse a lone voice in the crowd exclaimed, “I know that little shit, that’s little Tommy Crooks, weird little motherfucker…” This does not count as an identification of the shooter. It does provide a starting point.
Alternately, two hours after the shooting, the cops come across Crook’s pickup truck, it is parked where he left it. The cops run the license plate and decide to visit the address where the owner lives.
In either scenario they go to the house belonging to Crooks parents and initiate an interview. Prominently displayed is Crooks high school graduation picture. The graduation picture rather than Thomas’s picture in his dishwashing garb has pride of place. The picture, parent’s identification of the truck, confirmation that the family AR-15 is missing and that Thomas left the house dressed in his favorite subdued clothing do not constitute an identification.
The crime scene techs quickly find latent fingerprints in Thomas’s bedroom. They are able to do an immediate comparison with the prints obtained from the corpse and obtain a positive match. Still, this does not constitute a positive identification. Fingerprints aren’t sexy anymore.
The next step is to take DNA samples from mom and dad, the toothbrush in Thomas’s bedroom, along with a pair of dirty skivvies thrown in for good measure. All of the samples are loaded up into an FBI g-ride and sent off code three to the local airport. Once there the samples are loaded into an FBI Lear jet and sent to Washington, DC. Once in DC another code three motorcade screams off to the FBI crime lab. The evidence is subjected to DNA testing. Drum roll, please. The tech proclaims,” it’s little Tommy Crooks, weird little motherfucker…” Only now is the FBI able to identify little Tommy Crooks.
Behind the scenes the supervisory agent on scene, the designated case agent, the crime scene response team, the valiant code three drivers, the FBI aircraft unit, the FBI crime lab and the FBI PR flack all receive accolades for their dedicated efforts in identifying the shooter.
As to the lonely voice in the crowd of local cops who first uttered, “I know that little shit…” Fuck em he ain’t FBI.
So maybe there was a conspiracy. However, it has nothing to do with the events that brought the clown show to town. It’s all about self-promotion and perpetuating a myth.