This happens more often than you think. Waco police arrested a woman after a quantity of methamphetamine was found in her purse. She advised the transporting officer that she had a concealed handgun prior to the their arrival at the jail. A female officer subsequently located a loaded Smith & Wesson Model 61 22 caliber semi-automatic pistol. She had it holstered in her vagina. Such an environment could seriously degrade the blued finish.This model was manufactured between 1970 to 1973 it is chambered for 22LR and holds 5 rounds in a magazine. It is 4 13/16 inches long and 3 11/16 inches tall. It was not a popular pistol and this may be one of the circumstances, that had it gone off, it might actually hit something.
I think it is safe to say that the old, “I didn’t know it was there”, excuse is not going to work. The all time favorite excuse, for narcs, ” these aren’t my pants” is a non-starter.