Another Heroic Dog Story

German shepherd smells gas, saves Long Neck family

Jessica Bies, Delaware News JournalPublished 10:15 a.m. ET Nov. 23, 2018 | Updated 10:29 a.m. ET Nov. 23, 2018

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(Photo: Courtesy of Ken Walsh)

Confused, Ken Walsh looked at the clock, 3 a.m.

Outside the bedroom door, his 5-year-old German shepherd, Greta, was barking and crying. Usually the quietest dog the Walsh family owns, Greta was on the verge of waking the whole household. 

Walsh got out of bed to quiet her, but Greta was insistent, stubbornly corraling her human to the kitchen. 

And that’s where he smelled it. Propane.

Feel good story of the day! It plays better than the alternative explanation. The dog needed somebody with an opposable thumb to open the back door.