What if ….

Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States, that is if the liberals and democrats don’t knock him off prior to his inauguration. I guess he deserves accolades for beating Kamel Toe Harris. Like Monica Lewinsky she got her start working under a master politician. In Kamel Toe’s case it was San Fransico mayor Willie Brown. Since no black dress have ever surfaced, I guess it is safe to say that Kamel Toe was a swallower, not a spitter. Which leads me to a sports quiz.

You will never get a liberal to admit that they couldn’t have picked a worst candidate. It is easy to dismiss the left as deluded. But wait, what if we were to take them at their word? Maybe Kamel Toe was the best candidate. It could be that she is part of a master plan?

I have mentioned this screed previously. Written by Carlos Marighella in 1969 it purports to be a blueprint for the destabilization of a government preparatory to installing a communist paradise. One of the central themes is to initiate actions that demonstrate government incompetence and cause an over-reaction by government. Done correctly, inappropriate government action will alienate citizens not directly involved in the guerrilla action and cause them to “rise against the oppressor!” Like communism it didn’t work, but maybe because those that tried to apply the blueprint weren’t doing it right.

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Practice makes perfect. Insert your favorite tired cliche here.

Okay, maybe the Mini-Manual is dated. How about if liberals were to rework it? Liberal Hollywood has run out of original ideas. What is needed is a reworking of an oldie but goody…

Eureka! I’ve got it!

Think “The Producers,” Mel Brooks 1967 movie. In it Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel set out to produce a Broadway musical guaranteed to fail the result is:

Couple Mel Brook’s genius, throw in the Marx Brothers movie Duck Soup and add the “Mini-Manual of the Urban Guerrilla” for plot elements and what do you get? The liberal plan for world domination with Kamel Toe Harris in a starring role.

In the late sixties and early seventies, the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) urged organizers to target fat girls as potential recruits. The thought being that fat girls were ostracized and would do anything for a kind word. As Bob Dylan noted, “Times they are a changing…” These days fat chics have made it into the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue.

I miss Christie Brinkley

So fat chics are out. The left settled on a new poster child, transsexuals. What are transsexuals? Transsexuals are people who don’t like the wee-wee God gave them. This is a form of mental illness called body dysmorphia. Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental illness characterized by the obsessive idea that some aspect of one’s own body part or appearance is severely flawed1234

The number of people suffering from BDD is statistically insignificant when compared to the general population. However, liberals believe that it is incumbent on society to accommodate these crazies. Here is a picture of a BDD sufferer asserting his, her, its rights in Nashville.

Nashville police responded and were able to successfully cure the BDD sufferer. He, she, it no longer suffers from any delusions.

I could be wrong, but I don’t recall any liberal outcry about the shooters use of an “assault rifle.” Apparently BDD sufferers get a bye.

Whoa, you’re getting out there. Not so much. Transgender folks are crazy, not insane. Society isn’t doing enough to accommodate the crazies. That means society is at fault. When the crazies act out in a homicidal manner, it still isn’t the crazies’ fault. Society let them go out and buy a gun. When the police shoot a wacko they are at fault for not de-escalating the situation. Liberals ignore the fact that a headshot scattering blood, brains and eyeballs about the scene is the ultimate de-escalation.

The name of the game as stated way back in 1969 is to create a sense of grievance among a target population while at the same time ducking any responsibility for creating and exasperating the situation. Heads I win, tails you lose.

But what about Kamel Toe? Kamel Toe ran a perfect campaign. She identified the important issues in at the appropriate priority. The fact that the voters rejected her, and her message was not her fault. The electorate was too stupid to understand. The media was against her. The system failed and needed to be scrapped.

I’ve listened to the talking heads. I believe my explanation is every bit a s credible as any other on offer. Oh, what might have been.

Official Presidential Portrait Kamel Toe Harris