The Unit (Update)


The way I understand it, the more copies a book sells, the easier it is to find, online. I checked Kindle and when I run “The Unit,” I run into a whole bunch of Harlequin Romances (think the Hardy Boys for bored, horney housewives). There are about a dozen books written by a variety of authors that feature “The Unit” as part of the title. Even more bizarre is that the units they are talking about are K-9 cops. I don’t know who is getting laid the handler of the K9. Rather than being negative, this could mean a whole new audience.

If you run just my name, what pops up first is Paul Battaglia who wrote three or four advanced mathematic books. This coincidence assumes a new level of irony that will not be lost on my former partners. That’s not me.
If you run the title and my name, then the search zeros in on my book.
The book is currently available on the Nook; the June 1st date didn’t take with Barnes & Noble. I will move up the release date for Kindle in the very near future.