Boycott Vogue

SAY IT ISN’T SO694940094001_5194172431001_cleavage-is-outVOGUE says cleavage is déclassé.

Bull shit! Why should they have a say. If they can have one, why can’t I? If that’s true why should their opinion be more influential than mine? This is nothing more than flat chested chicks putting down those that ain’t. It’s like those women’s libber chicks all shouting about female this and that. The reality is they’re just tired of being mistaken for scrawny ugly dudes. I saw several of em playing skins football, didn’t do any good they still got picked last.

Let’s hear it for cleavage…. vroom vrooo prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrvroom prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr putt, putt