What’s in a Statue

Power Line points out in Statue-of-limitations that to track Civil War statutes, particularly the ones that ANTIFA finds so offensive is to track the past of the Democratic Party and the progress of the KKK after the war. Put in that context, it makes sense that the Democrats would like to erase the past.

To me, such an effort is a prime example of what is wrong with democrats. There are many improvements to the infrastructure of the United States that are a higher priority. Diverting resources to take down civil war monuments is not a good use of time and money. I agree with Charles Barkley the statues just aren’t relevant anymore and almost nobody considers the back story unless it suits their purpose.

I grew up in the Northeast. They have a different idea of what a park is than the rest of the country. Double the size of the typical traffic island and you have a park. Just enough room for two benches, a flower bed and a hollow eyed personage complete with a musket. I never felt any connection, any reverence, or sense of history seeing the lonely sentinels in their fifty square feet of ground. At the same time, I am sure that if the statute of say Homer J Peabody in the Peabody Square was eradicated today; people would still be making plans to meet at Peabody Square fifty years from now.

I have made several trips to several of the major battlefield parks, Gettysburg, Manassas, Shiloh, and Vicksburg. It is a different story in these parks. The monuments were erected through the efforts of the survivors, families, and communities that participated in the battles. Follow the markers, and you can learn about the fight. The effect and meaning are entirely different. In those places, it all came together history, sacrifice, honor, horror, duty, and a belief in something bigger than the individual.

I can’t get to worked up about the efforts to remove monuments in various parks. I think it says something about the community, an indication that the whores out number the citizens. Such an effort may be a helpful warning to the unwary. I already know that Austin, Texas is a shithole on an epic scale. The efforts of the city to erase history just shows other people who weren’t aware what a sorry community it is. Now they have been warned. Spend your time and money someplace else, Austin isn’t worth it.

I reserve my animus for those that would attempt the same action at our national battlefield parks. Should they try, I think it is entirely appropriate, justified and necessary that defenders of the park stand their ground and make every effort to exceed any previous one-day casualty total.