Virtue Signaling, Often Wrong, Never Uncertain

Gov. Rick Perry suggested that consumers, bars, restaurants and liquor stores avoid selling or consuming Russian Vodka. This act will signal support for the Ukraine and punish Russia. Yeah, no. Here is another take at the link.

I for one, think the governor didn’t go far enough. Here are some other targets worthy of consideration.

Omar Sharif, as Doctor Zhivago

Omar Sharif plays a Russian doctor caught up in the Russian revolution. There are just two minor problems. Sharif is Egyptian and he is dead.

Okay, here is another:

Rocky is a talking flying squirrel and Bullwinkle is a talking moose sidekick. While they may be American, they provide a forum for Boris and Natsha two spies with Russian accents.

Boris and Natasha

Rocky and Bullwinkle gotta go. Doesn’t matter that they are cartoon characters created for American TV. Who cares if the series has been off the air for over fifty years, one can’t be too careful?

Here’s another,

Russian River, California

This is one ban I can get behind. I say kick California out of the union. The question regarding succession is long settled. Not addressed is kicking a state out of the United States. As Meatloaf sang, “one out of three at bad.”