Liberal Projection?

Animal husbandry or sexual abuse?

The liberal idiots are at it again! Dairy cows are being sexually assaulted by being milked! Artificial insemination and palpation to determine pregnancy are acts of rape.

It should be no surprise that this bit of wisdom came from a “gender studies” proponent at a New York University. Here is some of the bullshit she is spouting:

According to the publication, “the dairy industry is a host for sex-based discrimination,” and a “site where sexual assault and objectification based on biological makeup are highly prevalent but ignored as we choose to neglect non- humans with whom we share a planet.

The paper argues that “in order to fully fight gendered oppression,” society must also address the plight of dairy cows, which it asserts are “still subjects to sex-based discrimination and violence,” despite their voices being “not always lifted or comprehensible.”

Remember, slaughterhouses are bad. It you must eat meat, go to the supermarket where you can find meat plastic wrapped in these Styrofoam trays.

It sounds like the author Mackenzie April could use a massage