Introduction to The Real North Korean Culture Begins

Warmbier North Korea

A United States College student has been sentenced to 15 years hard labor, in North Korea, after a one hour show trial, Tourist Sentenced.

Lost in all the “woe is me” and sputtering outrage are some points that need to be made.  North Korea is a third world shit hole. It is a sovereign shit hole that has its own laws and criminal procedure.  Expecting the North Korean system to perform to western standards is unrealistic, bordering on madness. 

The tourist, Otto Wambier has admitted that he knowingly and intentionally with intent to profit from his actions violated those laws. He admitted to the offense. He may have been tortured. There is no evidence, other than western bias to support that contention. The other side of the coin is that torture is probably allowed in North Korean jurisprudence. A North Korean, in similar circumstances probably would have been sentenced to death.

Apologists for Wambier will, no doubt, point out that as a United States citizen he has a right to travel to third world shit holes.  As a guest in such a country, he has an obligation to follow their laws.  Insert obligatory Thoreau quote, about not obeying unjust laws. It is appropriate to recall Thoreau accepted responsibility for his actions and did his time. There is a simple cure for situations like this, stay out of third world shit holes.

The cynic in me says that he will be exchanged, at some point, in the future.  In the meantime, he will have an opportunity to get off the beaten path and really experience everything North Korea has to offer. Isn’t that why he went?

If Wambier wants sympathy I suggest he look in an American Dictionary.  He will find sympathy there, someplace between shit and syphilis. On the brighter side, Wambier is fixing to join a secret society with all sorts of neat initiation rituals.