Wetback 101, Fail

Drowned Salvadorian father and daughter on banks of the Rio Grande

To be a successful wetback, one must first make it across the Rio Grande. There is no consolation prize for good intent and failed execution.

Cue the political whores. Whose fault is it?

I am having trouble following the logic that places the blame on Trump. When I see a snarling junk yard dog patrolling behind a six foot chain link fence, topped with barbed wire and posted with signs saying “Keep Out,” I’m inclined to believe that I am not wanted.

On the other hand, if enablers are standing on the banks of the river saying come on you can make it. I might be tempted to try, even if I can’t swim.

So what we have is a not very bright guy who overestimated his swimming ability. He brought his daughter along and put her in peril. He was persuaded that this was a good course of action by the false promises made by Beto and friends. Beto wasn’t there to play lifeguard.

The guy that told them not to make the journey is at fault. Beto walks away self righteous as hell because his forte is avoiding responsibility.