History Repeats, or at Least Rhymes

What the liberals lack in brains, they make up for with arrogance. San Francisco is investigating the possibility of creating a red-light district. If it is such a good idea why did the city fathers get rid of the last red-light district. You know the one they called the Barbary Coast? I’m not sure, but this may be a picture of the biggest whorehouse in San Francisco.


San Franciso City Hall

Red light districts are nothing new. New Orleans had Storyille.

Storyville, New Orleans Red light District 1904

The Lost Sights and Sounds of Storyville, New Orleans’s Red Light District (hyperallergic.com)

Storyville prostitute in an upright position.

Not to be outdone San Antonio had a redlight district. Not only a district, but a guidebook. It provided customers with a menu of services offered. Dwight D Eisenhower took steps to shut down the district in 1941. He gave city fathers a choice. They could have whores or soldiers, but not both.

Directory of San Antonio whorehouses

Urban renewal broke up the San Antonio redlight district. To get an idea of its dimensions, in current day San Antonio, just head for the Bexar County Jail/Sheriff’s office or the San Antonio Public Safety headquarters. Both are located within the confines of the old redlight district. Same old crowd, just a different church.

Modern efforts to create a redlight district have not gone well. Boston shut down Sculley Square in the sixties. They ran the whores off, moved the politicians in and called it Government center. What’s in a name, whores, politicians, same, same. The new and improved Boston redlight district was moved and called the Combat Zone.

Boston’s Combat Zone

The combat zone had its beginnings in the 1960’s when Sculley Square was shut down, until 1978. The demise was predicated on the demise of a Harvard football player in 1976.


Like Joni Mitchell said:

Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone?

I wonder how many other people didn’t survive a trip to the combat zone, prior to the demise of one entitled Harvard football player? Once again, liberals screw things up for everybody else.

Each city gets the type of law enforcement it deserves. The people of San Francisco are getting what they deserve.