A Modest Proposal #371

The local news rag did an end of the year perspective. The article tallied up the number of suspects shot and killed or wounded by SAPD. It included a short summary of each incident. It occurs to me that it might have been helpful to compare SAPD numbers with that of similar instances employed by the public at large. But that didn’t happen. Such a comparison might have undermined the MSM narrative. At any rate it didn’t take the MSM long to settle on their new favorite mantra. DE-ESCALATION.

I don’t think this is what they meant.

I can’t tell whether this is an up-escalator or a de-escalator.

I’m afraid I’m confused by the term. The dearly departed that met their end at the hands of SAPD have not caused any problems since the time of their last run-in with SAPD. No more thieving, assaulting, no more late-night phone calls from the county jail requesting bail money and no more stretching an already strained family budget to pay attorney fees. Sounds like a de-escalation to me. Some of the individuals spent their time in an out of the mental health system with no appreciable improvement. One session with SAPD and their mental health issues were cured! SAPD accomplished what so called mental health professionals couldn’t.

Just to show that I’m not set in my ways I have decided to jump on the de-escalation bandwagon. I’m offering a relatively simple fix. It shouldn’t be too expensive. Out with the old slogan and in with the new. The new slogan has a ring to it. Here is a before and after. First the existing slogan and then the new and improved.

Out with the old
In with the new

The problem with PR campaigns is that they oftentimes don’t reach the intended audience. Sure, the Chief can mug for the MSM and announce his new de-escalation campaign but who is going to get the message? Practically nobody because nobody pays attention to the MSM. Those that do get the message are the ones least likely to need it. Crooks, rapists, thugs and the maladjusted need to hear the message but they don’t read the paper or see the news.

What they do see are patrol cars. Patrol cars interfere with their chosen lifestyle. Crooks can tell by reading the signs on a patrol car what substation it is assigned too. Does it belong where it is or just passing through? They can tell where the officer driving is assigned. A traffic designation holds no terror for a crook on foot, SWAT on the other hand…. Community relations logo means there are no police present. Crooks pay attention to patrol cars. Real police know this, pretend police that never leave the station do not.

With the new logo crooks would see the message dozens of times every day. The message would reach the intended audience. In a crisis situation the message is magnified. A crook caught in the act is suddenly surrounded by dozens of patrol cars. Everywhere he looks the message is there “DON’T DO STUPID SHIT AND YOU WON’T GET SHOT”

I’m just a broke down retired narc. I don’t expect the current police administration to take heed of my suggestion. Would it help to point out that I have driven past UTSA a few times and I know the secret password taught to all Criminal Justice majors that never shit between police shoes? “You want fries with that?”

Oh, well I tried.

Some folks are just not ready for a new way of looking at things!

Hat tip to Bill.