
What do you call a U.S. Army General Officer who shares classified information with his girlfriend? The girlfriend has appropriate security clearances to view the information, but not the need to know. This is a technical violation regarding the sharing  of classified information (clearance and need to know). Answer: Probationer.

What do you call a  Presidential Candidate who shares classified information with her girlfriend via an unauthorized e-mail server to an unauthorized computer not sanctioned for the storage of classified information. The girlfriend fails to safeguard the computer and information and abandons the computer to her future ex-husband who goes online to sexually solicit  under age teenage girls? If the rule of law means anything DEFENDANT.  FBI-to-conduct-new-investigation-of-emails-from-clintons-private-server

Computer to access the Internet, $1200, Monthly Internet Fee to talk dirty and show pictures of your penis to little girls, $100, being a rabid democratic functionary that accidentally takes out the party’s candidate- PRICELESS.