Nomination for Hero Badge

SAPD-motorcycle-cops-violate-city-policyLooks like SAPD Motor jockeys got some explaining to do.  Or Alternately Chief McManus has not stepped on dick in a while and missed the sensation so he danced a fandango on the appendage.  Maybe we will get a definitive answer which is worse the Streisand Effect or petty retaliation?

The article shows pictures of uniformed SAPD officers and some non-SAPD officers standing around on the tarmac with Donald Trump. Some of the officers are wearing bright red campaign hats. This is a restricted area, not normally open to the public. It is not uncommon for the motorcade to pull right up to the departing aircraft, that means the motorcycles also. Within the that tight little bubble somebody on the advance crew went around to all the cops and gave them “gimme caps.”

There was a time, that what happened next does not require a whole lot of explanation. If you are the recipient of a “Gimme Cap” you are obligated to take your existing head wear off, take the new cap, check the crease and improve upon it if need be and put it on. Limp wristed hat clutching does not meet the protocol. That’s what the motor jockeys did. By the time the troops were all back on the scooters the red hats were disappeared, helmets in place and away the went.

What is the Streisand effect?  That is when somebody decides to make an issue of a minor infraction and in doing so turns it into a major shitstorm. If McManus had any brains he walk away from this, but he won’t.