Headlines, Not Quite Right

Austin, Texas. Ground zero if Texas ever gets an enema.

Those who follow this blog know my opinion of Austin, It is an absolute liberal shithole. In addition to liberals it is populated by politicians and prostitutes (at least when the legislature is in session). The hookers hold the high moral ground. If God ever decided to give Texas an enema, Austin is ground zero.

The Austin city council has voted to cut the police department budget by one third. They are going to use some of the money saved to fund abortions. Some of the funds will be used for programs devoted to violence prevention, and food access.

Austin to Defund Police, Divert Money to Abortion

The proposal to cut police funding by about one-third of its total $434 million budget calls for immediately cutting around $21.5 million from the department. This would include reallocating these funds to areas like violence prevention, food access, and abortion access programs.

I am confused. Does funding abortion fall under violence prevention or food access? Just asking.

This headline may not be in the running for all time great headlines. It does deserve an honorable mention.