All the News Printed to Fit

The New York Times claims that Trump has called for the assassination of Hillary, should she become President, as reported from a speech on Tuesday: 

WILMINGTON, N.C. — Donald J. Trump on Tuesday appeared to raise the possibility that gun rights supporters could take matters into their own hands if Hillary Clinton is elected president and appoints judges who favor stricter gun control measures.

Repeating his contention that Mrs. Clinton wanted to abolish the right to bear arms, Mr. Trump warned at a rally here that it would be “a horrible day” if Mrs. Clinton were elected and got to appoint a tiebreaking Supreme Court justice.

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

They must have been at a different speech.  I didn’t hear a threat.  If Ted Cruz had made the statement, I would point out that he could have easily been referring to the Federalist Papers.  Since it is the Donald, I think we can safely rule that out.

One argument put forward in the Federalist Papers was that the Federal Government could be opposed by a strong state government.  The State militia could be used to impose the State will in opposition to Federal Edicts that States viewed as onerous.

Within the Federalist Papers one could take the Jefferson route and advocate outright rebellion when states found things weren’t going their way.

One interpretation that might have occurred to Trump is that as a single issue voting block, those that support the Second Amendment could change the tide of the current election, just by rejecting Hillary on this one issue.

At one point does a rational person stop using the media as a source of information?  Is it after the first lie, the tenth, the fifteenth, or does it not matter?