Nomination For Hero Badge

If you had any doubts that the FBI is a shadow of its former self this story ought to remove all doubt.  An FBI agent has won reinstatement under the Whistleblower Act , FBI Whistleblower.  

Legendary Texas Ranger Frank Hamer was shot multiple times from ambush after taking on crooked cops and sheriff’s deputies. Frank Serpico was shot in the face for reporting widespread corruption with the New York City Police Department. FBI Agent John C. Parkinson was fired for ducking a cum shot worthy of Johnny “Wad” Holmes.

John C Parkinson reported two Agent/Pilots in the Sacramento Office for watching porn in the office.  He was afraid that the agents would leave a “night deposit” and thus defile the furniture. I shit you not, below is an excerpt.

“Mr. Parkinson was concerned that (the two colleagues) would defile the furniture by engaging in sexual activity and masturbating on it and watching pornography on the television,” his attorneys recounted in a filing with the Merit Systems Protection Board.

He was worried about two?  How many were in the office, three? I guarantee you once Parkinson’s fastidious nature became common knowledge, his desk got more ass than a toilet seat.  “It’s okay darling just spit, anywhere.” Switch on a black light in Parkinson’s office and you’d be able to perform brain surgery from the reflected glow coming from the walls, ceiling, floor and furniture. The only person that didn’t get laid in Parkinson’s office was Parkinson.

Bet he was a lot of fun on a surveillance.