A Modest Proposal #94

State of the Union address

Nancy Pelosi wants the President to delay or cancel his State of the Union address. It is normally held in the House chamber. It doesn’t have to be delivered there. Pelosi cites security concerns. The Secret Service and Capitol police disagree. Given that disagreement, I’m sure the Speaker is already contemplating budget cuts for those agencies.

Senator Rand Paul has already volunteered the Senate Chamber. It is a smaller venue and cannot accommodate the normal crowd. In all likelihood such a move would cause Nancy and company to boycott the speech. This means space may not be a consideration.

I would propose an alternative. I’m sure the local Trump hotel has a ballroom that could serve the typical numbers. Should the democrats boycott the State of the Union address, the empty seats would serve as an apt commentary.

Since Trump enjoys tweaking shitheads democrats, I have a contingency plan. It is common practice, in some awards shows, to have seat fillers. These are people that wait in the wings who are directed to fill vacant seats. Trump should have a cadre of seat fillers waiting in the wings.

A sweep through certain sections of DC should be able to yield a sufficient number of relatively docile bums, crazies, bag ladies and other ne’er do wells. When the democrats don’t show up, a ready made stand-in is ready to take their place.

The only problem I see is that TV viewers looking out at the assorted winos and derelicts may not realize that their democratic congress-critter is not present.

I think it will work! As the pictures show everybody has a double.