A Modest Proposal #612

The Washington Redskins have caved to political pressure and say they will change their names. The new name is yet to be determined. I can’t help thinking that the soy boys who forced the name change probably won’t watch a football game no matter what the team is called.

The sporting news claims they have an all inclusive list of potential names. As Johnny Carson’s Carnak the Magnificent would say, “Wrong jockstrap breath!”


The Sporting News List:

  • Washington Redtails
  • Washington Warriors
  • Washington RedHawks
  • Washington RedWolves
  • Washington Hogs/Washington Red Hogs

I think they ought to open the name game up to the public. Here are some I came up with:

  • The Washington Foreskins – Bunch of limp dicks
  • The Washington Cowards – Anything for a buck
  • The Washington Sissies – We’ll bend over and take anything

I haven’t watched a complete football came in 45 years. I expect that record to be unbroken. Hell of a way for a grown man to spend time.