Stop Me if You’ve Heard This One Before (1000th Posting!)

Licensed contractor and permit required for window stickers

 It could only happen in a city dominated by liberals. Only liberals are arrogant enough not to learn history, let alone forget it. Should a historical event repeat itself, their inability to recognize irony will allow them to plow ahead without thought to consequences.

Chicago bans businesses from posting signs on store front windows, without first obtaining a permit. (No word as to whether the permit must be posted on the window.) “Back in Fifteen Minutes” really equates to time is money.

Chicago Businesses Looted by Bureaucrats for Having Signs in Their Windows

When moonbats aren’t demanding that you put something you don’t want in your own window, they demand that you don’t put anything at all — unless of course, you pay them for the privilege. From the single-party city ChicagoSome neighborhood small business owners are complaining that the city is overzealously policing sign permits, saying they’ve had to pay thousands of dollars in fines for words painted on their shop windows. In-Chicago-pay-the-city-to-advertise-on

“It just seems unfair to make you get a permit for every window panel,” said Scott Toth, owner of Craft Pizza at 1252 N. Damen Ave.

Toth has been ticketed four times for crimes like putting his restaurant’s logo in the window of his restaurant. After hiring a lawyer, he ended up taking down the signs and paying a fine. window tax Chicago Style

The idea of a window tax is not new. England, Scotland, Ireland, and France all imposed taxes on windows. Wikipedia, the lazy man’s source for stuff that is almost right says:

The window tax was a property tax based on the number of windows in a house. It was a significant social, cultural, and architectural force in England, France, Ireland and Scotland during the 18th and 19th centuries. To avoid the tax, some houses from the period can be seen to have bricked-up window-spaces (ready to be glazed or reglazed at a later date). In England and Wales, it was introduced in 1696 and was repealed in 1851, 156 years after first being introduced. France (established 1798, repealed 1926) and Scotland both had window taxes for similar reasons:

In Pennsylvania, in 1798, Fries Rebellion came about because of a perceived window tax. The tax imposed was relatively modest and dealt with buildings. For reasons known best to themselves, local tax collectors started counting windows. Fries took exception, the militia had to be called out, and Fries and others were arrested. Fries was tried and convicted of treason and sentenced to death. Fries was subsequently pardoned by President Adams and got to go home and die in his own bed.

There is something to be said for the old way of doing things. Dissatisfied citizens used to tar and feather tax collectors. Course they had to boil the tar and that caused injuries and death. In these kinder, gentler days there are new products out there. The tar is premixed, liquid at room temperature and requires no heat. The local Target carries reasonably priced down pillows.

In ready to use 55-gallon drums