Silly Shit

The Guardian: Men’s Fixation on Younger Women is Indicative of a Crisis in Masculinity

   Posted by Kemberlee Kaye    Monday, August 20, 2018 at 7:00pm

Longest “crisis” in human history

Everything neo-feminists don’t like about men (read: their insecurities) is deemed a crisis in masculinity these days.

It’s an inherent misunderstanding of men and a refusal to appreciate gender differences. Instead, men are supposed to act and think like women, so the rational (if you can call it that) goes.

A piece recently published in The Guardian argues exactly that, complaining that men’s preference for younger women is due to “fragile masculinity.”

Let me explain to you why this is silly shit. I am sixty-five years old. I have seen myself naked. No matter what the sex, I don’t want to see another sixty-five-year old naked. 

Is it Really so hard to understand?

Enough said!

I was going to go on about hard bodies and perky boobs that looked you in the eye instead of pointing at the ground, but a picture is worth a thousand words.

Understand we are talking about preferences. I prefer the hard bodies. That puts me in the same category as a dog chasing cars. Neither of us will ever catch one and if we did, both would be hard pressed to use it to its fullest potential.