Stupid Crook Tricks

I could go on about the fact that liberals are incapable of irony. I have pointed out that the essence of liberalism is to hold two diametrically opposed viewpoints and not see the conflict. Aw, hell! Let them make the point for me.

“Our City Hall should not give fascists the platform and our tax dollars should not pay fascists [cops] to protect fascists,” one protester said. “It’s unfortunate that they use that free speech, First Amendment, whatever.”


“I think it’s a disgrace that the police gave them a permit when they are threatening people,” Ivy asserted. “You know, they have made threats, they have murdered people … They’re here to terrorize people and to intimidate people.”

IVY, Seattle

A protester who identified himself as “Jesus Christ” declared, “They should be disbanding those <expletives> and we wouldn’t be here.”
“Jesus Christ” lamented the fact that the country is unable to “collectively come together” while yelling homophobic insults at a minority police officer,

Jesus Christ, Seattle

I’m think P.T. Barnum said it best:

“There’s a sucker born every minute.” 

No man ever went broke overestimating the ignorance of the American public.” 

– P. T. Barnum