Shades of Green

The American Bald Eagle is a protected species.  It is a federal crime to kill a Bald Eagle.  It is also a federal crime to possess a carcass or feathers from a Bald Eagle.

The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) investigates Bald Eagle kills.  They go to the extreme of gathering carcasses and feathers for processing. Anybody wanting a Bald Eagle feather is supposed to obtain it from one source, the USFWS, in this way a paper trail is established to avoid trafficking in contraband feathers.

In the fifties, partially in response to a poorly researched hackarama written by Rachael Carson, Silent Spring , DDT was banned because it might affect Bald Eagles.  This move guaranteed a place for the Environmental Movement among such luminaries as Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot for most mass murders committed under a misguided philosophy.

The “One” has decided that a Bald Eagle Kill isn’t all that bad and issued an a Presidential exemption to the wind power industry.  Under the administration plan the the wind power industry can now kill 4500 Bald Eagles a year without explanation, apology or attempt at mitigation. Bald Eagle carcasses and feathers will litter the countryside wherever Bald Eagles and wind-farms coexist.

Remember it is a felony to kill a Bald Eagle only if you are playing on the wrong team.