The main stream media is broken. Reporters have no credibility. Most lack the basic ability to conduct and a proper investigation and then string together a coherent narrative. Some behave like they are the story and anything they have to say is secondary. Let’s review.
I believe that Howard Hawks movie “His Girl Friday” is an accurate depiction of the media and represents the epitome of journalistic integrity. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. I’ll wait.

It is a crowded field and tough to prioritize a list of the biggest and most reprehensible hacks that ever graced a TV screen. In no particular order here are some examples of the biggest turds ever to call themselves reporters.

There is a solution. In Europe the news is delivered by “news readers” instead of anchors. This may eliminate the cult of personality and is worth a try. I have noticed that on some Spanish language talk shows the host dresses as a clown.

I did a survey of foreign television news programs and the employment of news readers. I think that a news reader will do everything a TV executive could ask for. Here are some of the ones that I came across.
From Albania
I have no idea what they were talking about, but I hung on their every word.

Must have been ratings week!
Think of the savings in wardrobe expenses.
I think it is worth a try in the U.S. Who knows, I might start watching the news again.
Never forget, the main mission of TV journalism is to sell tampons and toilet paper.