New Energy Source Discovered in Massachusetts

Sam Adams has a reputation for being plain spoken and blunt to the point that he put other people off.  Given events in modern day Massachusetts, I figure if an energy company were to tap into his grave, they would find a dynamo spinning at a zillion miles a minute. The latest from the Volokh Conspiracy, Massachusetts churches may be covered by transgender discrimination bans.

Participants in secular Church functions may be required to address assorted perverts and deviates in their prefered manner while participating in secular activities.  When is an activity secular? Who decides? This sounds confusing.

It sounds like Father O’Malley while outfitted in vestments and on the pulpit is safe in condemning Parishioner Flynn for his cross dressing homosexual lifestyle.  But once Mass is over (when is it over?) Once Father O’Malley leaves the pulpit, how about at the entrance as Father O’Malley is saying goodbye to the faithful? At some point Father O’Malley is going to have to address Flynn by his prefered mode “Rancid Cocksucker”. To refuse to do so, is to discriminate against Flynn. All employees of the church are required to follow Father O’Malley’s lead. 

If Father O’Malley sets out one morning to visit the sick, a pastoral duty and prior to the first stop decides to get a haircut, stops in at the barber and runs into Flynn, what happens next? Flynn is not seeking any pastoral duty from Father O’Malley, is he entitled to be addressed as “Rancid Cocksucker?” Father O’Malley is involved in a pastoral mission, one that does not include Flynn. Does Father O’Malley have a defense by stating he has an obligation to speak the truth and not recognise self assigned designations.  What if the discussion with Flynn begins to range back and forth between the secular and the religious?  Is it acceptable to address Flynn as Flynn in one breath and “Rancid Cocksucker” in the next?

This makes no sense to me in Texas. TEXAS! that’s it! We have a Catholic Church, of sorts, in Texas.  The Catholic Church, in Massachusetts is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democratic party and is no longer a secular organization.

Never mind.