A Mind is a Terrible Thing….

An employee at Wells Fargo was found dead in her cubicle. She was there four days before anybody noticed. The investigators came up with four days because that was the last activity logged on her employee card.


I didn’t bother to read any of the comments on the story. I’m guessing expressions of grief, Rest in Peace and how tragic are dominant themes. I was a cop for thirty years so none of those sentiments were at the top of my mind.

What occurred to me is as follows, in no particular order. She was at work 24/7 for four days. Does her estate get to collect overtime? The only reason they found her after four days was because she was beginning to stink up the office. Is this the part where HR reiterates how important each employee is to the organization? Who gets her cubicle?

The old saw about “one big happy family” only holds true if the family is dysfunctional to begin with.