Silly Shit #187

Silly Shit

Virtue Signalling where no virtue exists. The chances of being convicted are probably slim. The investigation of the allegation is the punishment.

Apparently the aggrieved party decides what is derogatory use. Does this mean that asking somebody to speak English because you can’t understand them is a violation?

There is a comedian who specializes in insults and racial jokes. Part of his shtick is to either preface or conclude his comments with: “But I mean this in the nicest way.” Does the editorial addition undo the the perceived insult?

I understand we are talking about New York City. The city that does not hold with the Bill of Rights, but this crap seems to fly in the face of the First Amendment. I don’t know if anybody in New York city reads my blog. I guess we’ll see. I’m willing to be a test case.

Here goes. “I think all the goat fucking muslims ought to go back to where they came from, preferably with a fucking wetback under each arm. But I mean that in the nicest way….”

Come and get me.