Rules of Golf

A couple was busted for having sex on a golf course. It all could have been avoided, had they practiced some common courtesy, documents/sex/golf-course-encounter.

The Rules of Golf provide clear cut guidance governing behavior on the course. For instance, the individual that complained may have come dangerously close to violating the rules when it comes to advising a competitor. This is not allowed.


(Rule 33-1), permit each team to appoint one person who may give advice (including pointing out a line for putting) to members of that team,” according to the USGA rules. “The Committee may establish conditions relating to the appointment and permitted conduct of that person, who must be identified to the Committee before giving advice.”

There are other rules designed to make the game more enjoyable for all. For instance, players should move along at a pace that does not impact the game of those that follow.

Local Rules

Many golf clubs have local rules regarding the “pace of play.” As a courtesy to other golfers, especially during busy times, novices are requested to pick up their ball after eight strokes on a given hole. The couple appears to have violated this local rule.

Golf equipment manufacturers offer a plethora of clubs, but the player is limited in the number of clubs he can carry. What clubs the player does carry is expected to get the job done.

Club Selection

Also, golfers are allowed to have fourteen clubs in their bag; they may have less but not more. They are expected to have a selection of clubs for use in a  given circumstance. The narrative is unclear as to whether the male had the proper club to get the job done. It may prove to be that he had the proper club, but not the ability to use it properly.

If the young lady is serious about golf I would be happy to mentor her.