Firing Squad verses Lethal Injection

Firing squad

Mississippi is investigating bringing back the Firing squad for future executions.  The availability of approved execution drugs is driving this reconsideration. I have no problem with firing squads, but would urge consideration of another alternative. Both firing squads and my proposed option have the advantage of closing the circle, so to speak. Both would involve prison industry.

I think the courts have been served with a misdirection play.  They are so hung up on what the FDA thinks.  I can’t think of a bigger conflict that to ask the FDA, charged with protecting public health to come up with an effective and efficient execution drug.

The proper question needs to be asked in the proper forum. We have been asking the wrong people the wrong questions. The proper people to talk to are the, National Association of Medical Examiners.  I can’ think of anybody better suited to describe what drugs in combination are effective. Simple question, “What works?” It will turn out your average street user had the answer all the time.  It will turn out to be a combination of Heroin and cocaine, or methamphetamine, commonly referred to as a Speedball.  Guess what, every state in the nation has tons of the stuff and it is all free.

Tell the average inmate that the state is giving away free “speedballs” and appeals would cease overnight.  Guys in city holding pens for unpaid traffic tickets would volunteer for execution. (Last words of one Texas inmate recently executed was , whoa, warden, this is some really good shit.”)

I spoke about full circle, most of these yahoos on death row probably used a firearm, during the commission of their crime. Most of them were probably high, or intending to get high on cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine at the time of the offense.  Using guns or street dope carry out an execution lens a certain poetic justice to the process.

We have plenty of speed cooks in the system that have the ability clean up the street drugs to ensure consistent standards. We could even throw the condemned a bone, many prisons are doing away with a custom ordered last meal.  Instead the condemned could be offered, “China White, Black Tar or Mexican Brown for the heroin course, and P2P Methamphetamine or Ephedrine based Methamphetamine for the Speed course.

This will shut up all those liberals that support drug legalization and oppose the death penalty. What’s wrong with exit, stage left, chasing the dragon?