Joe Poopy Pants pardoned his crack crazed son for his crimes both real and imagined. Now folks are upset. Why? Sure, Basement Joe stated repeatedly that he wouldn’t do such a thing. Then he did. Surprise, surprise! Not. It goes without saying the potential codefendants should be seen and not heard. Joe just happened to have options unavailable to the average Mafioso.
Anybody that has followed Joe Poopy Pants career knows that he lies. Not only that but he lies about the lies. The democrat faithful and MSM sing the chorus as he does so. What else is new?
I think people are upset because against common sense and previous experiences they decided to believe Joe Poopy Pants, only to discover that once again, he lied.
In this instance Joe is being unfairly accused. He is being castigated because of the gullibility of those that believed him.
Joe is a politician and a democrat. That should have been the first clue that whatever he had to say on any given subject was untrue. Those that disregarded that fact have nobody to blame but themselves. Lie to me once, shame on you. Lie to me twice, shame on me!