There’s More To Be Done

Last public appearance of Comey and company?

Is the glass half empty or half full? Most everybody is focused on the Mueller report for what it says. Trump and his hangers on didn’t collude with the Russians. Case closed.

The Manhattan Contrarian says not so fast. The question is put forward: if the facts don’t establish any collusion at any time, then on what basis were the FISA warrants issued? See the link.

The Mueller report would seem to indicate that after exhaustive investigation, investigators found no evidence of criminal conduct. The FISA warrants become even more problematic in that light. A whole bunch of FBI and members of the justice department signed a wiretap affidavit swearing to probable cause, where there was none. To mere mortals that is called perjury. These folks did it not once but three times!

Once is an oops, three times is an ongoing criminal conspiracy.

I kind of like the sound of Treason for Comey and company. I’m sure that one of the co-conspirators made a telephone call in furtherance of the conspiracy while transiting fly-over country.

Forget the DC or New York Federal Districts. Let’s call a Grand Jury in Bug Tussle, Alabama. I’m sure the Sheriff in Bug Tussle would be happy to hold the defendants in his jail, without bond. The Washington elite will just have to get used to grits, without the shrimp. I figure it will take two weeks before the co-conspirators start turning on one another.

I didn’t do it. I was in the bathroom. Wasn’t me. Musta been the otherguy…