Sour Grapes

Big Fucking Deal

It is equipped with a camera, has limited autonomy, and spouts platitudes. It looks like a trash can on wheels. I’m not impressed.

These days your average patrol cop is equipped with a camera. His discretion is limited by policy instead of software. Like the software developer, the policy wonk has no idea what is necessary to perform the job. The patrol cop utters meaningless platitudes rather than pointed questions, so as not to offend anybody.

I can see the attraction a robot would have to many police administrators. Unlike cops, a robot will never point out that the chief is a fuckin idiot. It will never demand a pay raise. The robot will probably never cause controversy that would cause a chief to have to take responsibility.

I’m glad that I am up on the porch. I admit I can’t run with the big dogs anymore. Partly because I am old, but partly because most of the big dogs are either dead or gelded. All that remains are lapdogs and they are just an irritant.

I keep waiting for the good part. Change is good!