Silly Police Chief, Only Liberals Can Butcher Reality

A gunman decides to shoot up a mall in Indiana. His attempt at self-actualization is cut short by a good guy with a gun (GGWG). The good guy quickly de-escalated the situation. The gunman failed in his attempt to realize his fullest potential. The police called the GGWG who intervened a “good Samaritan.” Liberals had vapors.

This latest brouhaha demonstrates, once again that liberals are ironically impaired. They base their ire on their imperfect understanding of the Bible, a book for which they normally have no use. They point out that the good Samaritan saved a life. I make no claim to biblical scholarship, but the parable of good Samaritan fame isn’t about first aid.

As I recall, several other people saw the plight of the guy that got mugged. They were all sympathetic but declined to get further involved. It was only the good Samaritan who treated victim’s wounds, loaded him on his ass, took him to an inn and paid for his room and board. Seems to me the parable is about compassion and the willingness to back up that compassion with action. But what do I know, I’m just a broke down old cop.

The young man GGWG ran to the sound of gunfire. He saw the gunman and likely saw people injured and dead. He assessed the probability of additional injuries and deaths. In an act of compassion, he stepped in an ended the gunman’s spree.

Meanwhile, liberals safe on the sidelines and after the event demonstrate their compassion. Oh, the poor gunman. He could have been a rocket scientist. Liberals will be the first to point out words have meanings. Just not the ones accepted by everybody else.

Liberal Indian
Rachel Levine once a homely man, now an extraordinarily ugly Woman