democrats defined:

Healthy Holly caught a dose!
oo crazy to resign, not crazy enough to be removed from office.

Amid raids by the FBI and IRS and renewed calls for her to resign, Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh remains in poor health and is not “lucid” enough to decide whether to resign, her attorney said late Thursday afternoon.

There you have it, too crazy to be prosecuted, not crazy enough to be removed from office, the democrat standard.

The FBI conducted multiple raids against the Mayor of Baltimore. Something about books published, but never read, and questionable profits. Call for Hillary Clinton. Another case of democrat double standards.

In a move reminiscent of Milo Mindbender, the soon to be ex-mayor of Baltimore wrote a series of children’s books about Healthy Holly. Sales of the books was very healthy. Distribution, not so much. Apparently the Mayor’s basement was a repository for Healthy Holly.

The Sun reported last month that Pugh was paid $500,000 by the medical system for 100,000 of the books to distribute to schoolchildren, as part of a no-bid arrangement.
Health provider Kaiser Permanente later acknowledged it paid Pugh more than $100,000 to buy about 20,000 copies of her books during a period when the company was seeking a lucrative contract to provide health insurance to city employees. Others with business before the city, including Columbia businessman J.P. Grant, also wrote checks for the book.
In all, Pugh’s Healthy Holly LLC took in at least $800,000 from local entities since 2011, The Sun has reported.

Baltimore Sun

Milo Mindbender economics at work. Milo Mindbender bought eggs for a nickle and sold them for 2.5 cents and made a profit. To learn more, read CATCH-22, the greatest management text ever written.

This is obvious discrimination. I defy the reader to find anybody who purchased, much less read a book written by Hillary Clinton, or Blow Job Bill Clinton, the serial rapist.

democrats and pond scum seeking the same level