Compare and Contrast

One man’s Kristallnacht is another man’s social justice. Try hard enough and one can rationalize anything. Perhaps Mark Twain said it best:

attributed to Mark Twain

In 1938 the Nazis introduced the world to Kristallnacht, a state sanctioned riot directed at a specific group of people (Jews). In 2020 the democrats revived the concept under the banner of ANTIFA. Like the NAZIS they needed an excuse. democrats settled on George Floyd, a convicted felon, and druggie who was caught in the act of committing another felony. Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be, George was confronted by some Minneapolis cops even dumber than him. The rest, they say, is history.

Yad Vashem — The World Holocaust Remembrance Center released the photographs on the 84th anniversary of the November pogrom also known as Kristallnacht, or “The Night of Broken Glass.” Mobs of Germans and Austrians attacked, looted and burned Jewish shops and homes, destroyed 1,400 synagogues, killed 92 Jews and sent another 30,000 to concentration camps.

AP News

Compare and contrast ANTIFA and Nazis captured in action, in the following pictures. Not much has changed.

It could be my warped view, but another irony occurred to me. Compare these photos.

  • Both groups adopt a monochromatic theme, ANTIFA black, KKK white.
  • Both groups wear hoods.
  • Both groups obscure their faces.
  • Both groups display a symbol identifying their particular pathology.
  • Both groups claim moral superiority.

Where have I heard that before?

Oh yeah, I remember now.