The idiot governor of New Mexico has decided to ban firearms in Albuquerque. She has declared a public health emergency. Under the edict only cops and security guards can carry firearms in public. The order is in direct conflict with the Second Amendment. There is only one reasonable alternative for gunowners.
Pick a day, time and location. Everybody shows up packing a pistol and turns themselves in to local law enforcement. I not suggesting one or two folks. Nope, thousands. Line up in an orderly fashion, confess to the cops that one is in violation and demand to be arrested.
I think that the Sheriff has already announced that he won’t enforce the order. Doesn’t matter. This is an Abbie Hoffman moment. For those of you too young to recognize the name, Abby Hoffman was a 60’s radical and one of the Chicago Seven defendants.
He helped to stage mass protests where the multitudes chanted such memorable phrases as “Hey, Hey Ho Chi Minh” and “LBJ how many did you kill today?” When asked about the meaning of such chants, Abby replied that they were meaningless. But as a thirty second TV sound bite they far out weighted a two-minute-long rational explanation demonstrating that the premise of the chant was meaningless. Abby knew what he was talking about.
Such an action will further undermine the credibility of the Governor.