Just Once…

You Can’t Make This Shit Up!

Deputies shot and killed an idiot in North Carolina. He was black and therefore a candidate for Sainthood. Here is what friends and family had to say about him. The bar for acceptable behavior in the black community is so low it is non-existent. I ain’t making this shit up.

Just once I’d like to hear someone tell the truth. I figure if you sat on the stoop with the folks eulogizing him this is what they would say. This sorry excuse for a man got shot by the police after he tried to run the cops over. He left behind so many illegitimate kids nobody is sure how many. He had trouble getting along with folks as evidenced by the fact he lost an eye after getting stabbed and was partially paralyzed after being shot in another incident. His daddy died in prison and his mama was murdered. He didn’t work but gambled and dealt drugs to get by. It’s a wonder he made it this long.

Stick a camera in their face and this is the result.


Despite his hard life — Brown was partially paralyzed on his right side by an accidental shooting, and he lost an eye when he was stabbed, according to aunt Glenda Brown Thomas — “Drew,” as he was called, looked for the humor in things. “Although he didn’t finish school, he pushed them to finish school,” she said. “I believe a few of them were on honor roll.” Court records show Brown had a history of criminal charges stretching back into the 1990s, including a misdemeanor drug possession conviction and some pending felony drug charges. When he was 12 or 13, his mother was slain in Florida, Thomas said. Not long afterward, he dropped out of school around the 10th grade. She said her nephew was a good basketball player but had trouble with reading comprehension. Several years ago, his father died in federal prison after a medical procedure, Thomas said. With his own troubles with drugs and the law, Brown had trouble keeping a job, Thomas said. But she said he still found ways to earn money to support his children, including card games and shooting pool. Hampton said Brown was a proud father of several children.

KSAT 12 News

I am not a father. But I know how many nieces and nephews I have. I can supply a number rather than falling back on “several”. How does anybody read this and think what a loss. He had so much to give? I am not saying he deserved to die. But I’d be hard pressed to fell the loss.

Deny, deny, deny and when that doesn’t work blame whitey.