Those Who Don’t Know History …..

There is actually some pretty good news on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) front. 

This is an example of a Ghost Shirt it came into vogue about 1890 with the Lakota people. The Ghost Dancers believed that the dance and shirt conferred mystical powers on believers. It rendered the wearer bulletproof.

Ghost Dance Shirt
Ghost Dance Shirt

Fast forward 2016 WalMart is selling BLM sweatshirts Labeled


Black Lives Matter


Apparently the more gullible among this crowd believes that the sweatshirts are bullet proof. 

Here is a photo of the unsuccessful field test of the bullet resistant properties of the Ghost shirt. We can only hope the 2016 Field trials are as successful.

Wounded Knee Battle Field
Wounded Knee Battle Field

You may know the Ghost Shirt field test as the Wounded Knee Massacre which was probably the last significant battle of the Indian Wars.