Sunday Book Review

This new book is climbing the charts at Amazon. I can’t get enough of it. But don’t take my word. I have included some of the Amazon reviews.


Customer Reviews


Top Customer Reviews

on March 7, 2017
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A few years ago, as I was studying for my master’s degree in engineering, I had the inspiration to sit in on a Women’s Studies lecture. Never in my academic career have I been so profoundly affected. Truly, the depth of logic, critical thinking, and openness to challenging views displayed by the professor was unlike any other educator I had ever encountered. Having been exposed to the quality of scholarship one can only find at my university by auditing one of its Women’s Studies lectures, I knew I would never be able to truly comprehend the subject because of my thrice-be-damned white cis-gendered male heterosexual privilege. Wallowing in full-time employment and chained to my role in the patriarchy as a husband and father, I had given up on ever truly grasping the profound moral and philosophical core behind the modern social justice movement, progressives, and those who understand the true worth of pursuing diversity for its own sake.

Enter Michael J. Knowles. In this poetic work, I have found what my heart has felt, but my words could never express. He captures the very soul of the Democratic party with a profundity of insight I never would have thought to find in a fellow cisgendered male. This is more than the petty political rants that dominate the bestseller list. Within these pages lies the fundamental substance and logic behind placing equality of outcome over equality of opportunity, defining one’s beliefs according to the content of one’s loins or the melanin levels of one’s skin, accommodating and inviting mass immigration from cultures that hate us, and the ultimate truth that every material necessity is a fundamental human right that the government must provide at the expense of the 1%.

I bought this book not only for myself, but for my grandfather, a lifelong Republican who fought in WW2, marched in the Civil Rights Movement, worked in 8 presidential administrations, and farmed for nearly his entire life. Yeah, he’s a patriarch’s patriarch. I’m confident this book will give this 92-year-old man something productive to do when he isn’t out working in his woods with a chain saw, clearing brush, or giving invited speeches. Perhaps, like me, he’ll come to understand the deeper mysteries that motivate my sister and cousins when they lecture him on the unquestionable greatness of the Black Lives Matter movement, Caitlyn Jenner’s heroic bravery, and the exclusively evil, oppressive history of white people in America. With a little luck, he might even check his privilege.

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on March 10, 2017
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I can’t wait for its release on Audible!
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on March 10, 2017
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This book is so good, I read it in less time than it took me to open the envelope it was shipped in. Couldn’t put it down. Brilliant!
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on March 10, 2017
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As Ben Shapiro stated. Thorough.
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on March 10, 2017
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Extremely easy read. So captivating and informative, I was able to complete in one sitting. Absolutely brilliant!
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on March 8, 2017
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If Democrats copied and pasted the contents of this book into their national platform they could become unstoppable.
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on March 10, 2017
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Absolutely Riveting. Knowles clearly put in some serious leg work and every page will leave you begging for more.
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on March 10, 2017
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Michael Knowles should win Pulitzer Prize for this book. Contains everything you need to know about the Democratic Party!
A must read for all demographics!
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