Something New, Something Old

Same Old Crowd

The MSM is reporting that recently at least three right wing British politicians have been bombarded with milk shakes. Wonder where the protesters got that idea? I know, I know!

There is nothing new, under the sun. What worked for fascists at Woolworth’s in 1960 works for fascists in 2019.

I looked up some fashionable terms starting with inclusivity. Webster disagrees with the current meaning. To paraphrase Webster: one is either on or off the boat.

According to Webster:
noun in·​clu·​siv·​i·​ty | \ in-(ˌ)klü-ˈsi-və-tē  , -ˈzi-\
Definition of inclusivity
the quality or state of being inclusiveINCLUSIVENESS

Webster doesn’t seem to jive with current usage. Here is a social welfare definition of inclusivity:

1. (Social Welfare) the fact or policy of not excluding members or participants on the grounds of gender, race, class,sexuality, disability, etc
2. (Sociology) the fact or policy of not excluding members or participants on the grounds of gender,  race, class,sexuality, disability, etc 3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) 
the fact or policy of not excluding members or participants on the grounds of gender, race, class, sexuality, disability, etc

This seems to indicate, to me, that one cannot be included in exclusivity until one has been excluded. Once a person or group has been excluded, then they qualify for inclusivity. A person or group who has not been excluded is never eligible for inclusivity.

However, being excluded from inclusivity does not qualify one for admission to the inclusivity bus.

I thought I’d take a shot at another popular term. Intersectionality. Here is what Webster has to say:

 Intersectionalitythe complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and classism) combine, overlap, or intersect especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups.

This is a head scratcher for me. It is wrong to discriminate because of racism, sexism, classism (is that even a word?), in order to marginalize an individual or group. However, if it advances the cause of a race, class, or sex hustler it is okay. The rule of law, science, and common sense are suspended in order to make this concept work. Facts are entirely optional and can be created, changed or ignore to suit a specific purpose.

For those of you seeking directions to inclusivity where it meets up with intersectionality I have included the helpful road sign. Just follow the directions.

Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it.