Seeing is Politically Incorrect

Politically Correct on campus

First, Oxford University announced that it is now officially racist not to make eye contact with persons of politically privileged pigmentation. 

Now an American College is pursuing a student complaint: There was a white female student that kept making glares at me and another student. She would glare at both of us and then continue to proceed on her phone. This proceeded for 2 hours. Both me and the [other] victim were Asian American women. I don’t know if race plays a part in it. Though this event was small and seemingly insignificant, it made me and the other victim feel unsafe, uncomfortable and paranoid. Don’t Look at Me!

If you don’t make eye contact you are racist; you are racist. We all know if you compromise and look at their tits you are sexist. Can’t win.

I’m surprised that this complaint was not directed at cops. The uniform and or marked patrol car is the lowest level of police intervention, presence. A uniformed cop or a cop in a marked patrol car can affect the behavior of those around him without focusing on any particular individual. The next step up is eye contact. When a cop and a person make eye contact, there is no longer any doubt that, that person has attracted the cop’s attention. An escalation, for the cop, is the “eye fuck.” An eye fuck effectively delivered will clear a street corner in seconds. It will put an end to a lover’s quarrel instantly. Lovers groping one another in public will become chaste. All without a word spoken.

I guess the reason that this hasn’t become an issue with police is that even the cheese dicks in Internal Affairs wouldn’t countenance a complaint along the lines of he looked at me, make him stop.