Santa’s Journey

Once the decorations are up, it is time to wait for Santa. People may not be aware of the level of commitment required of Santa Claus. There are unanticipated hazards during the journey and once he arrives at his destination. Here just a few examples.

In Scandinavian countries reindeer do pull sleighs.
America does not have reindeer and substituting white tail deer is probably not a good idea.
Transiting the northern skies was  much simpler, for Santa, prior to commercial aviation. 
Flying behind a string of reindeer is not without its hazards.
Santa has to be aware that there were impostors out there.
The hazards didn’t end once Santa arrived at his destination.
Now you know the rest of the story…
Nary a ho-ho-ho was heard
Emotions run high on Christmas
Occasionally Santa was confronted with doubters.
Some skeptical souls took more convincing than others.
Giving takes all forms
The end