Not Quite Right

A cautionary tale out of Georgia. The MSM is incapable of reporting a straight news story and getting it right.

The course of true love never did run smooth.

Shakespeare, A Midsummer Nights Dream’, Act One, Scene One

An outraged dad caught Keywontrezes, 20, in his fourteen year old daughter’s bedroom. The ass whooping commenced shortly afterwards. Keywontrezes bailed out the window with dad in pursuit. Somewhere along the line dad obtained a pistol and popped a couple of caps.

The police arrived and, I suspect, Keywontrezes was never so happy to be arrested. The cops charged the dad with aggravated assault. The report is unclear as to what constituted the aggravated assault.

Most readers would probably conclude that dad was being arrested for the beating he administered. I am not so sure. Dad caught ole Keywontrezes in the process of committing a felony. There may have been a prior relationship between the girl and Keywontrezes. That does not give the twenty something guy license to diddle a fourteen year old girl.

Dad was probably justified in intervening and attempting to restrain Keywontrezes. Anything short of dismemberment would probably be considered reasonable, in the eyes of fathers with fourteen year old daughters. So the beating is probably not what the cops are hanging their hats on.

If I had to guess, aggravated assault comes in to play for the shots that dad fired and missed.

We will probably never know. It just illustrates that the MSM isn’t very adept at recognizing the facts when they report a story.

At least dad didn’t unleash the dog.