Let’s Give Them Something to Really Complain About

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas is at it again. This time he has infiltrated groups that want to shut down Trump Inauguration Events. As the attached video shows they have gone past the planning stage and have taken steps to reconnoiter a target location. A discussion becomes a criminal conspiracy when at least one member takes a positive step towards completion of the offense. In this instance they have settled on a method, a target location and assessed the viability of the location.

Those who don’t know history are condemned to repeat it. The plot such as it is has the potential to lead to a large loss of life. On Thanksgiving weekend 1942 a popular nightclub in Boston “The Cocoanut Grove” caught fire over 492 people were killed in the fire and 190 injured.

The Story of the Cocoanut Grove Fire

Investigation established that fire exits were blocked or otherwise unmarked, emergency lighting was non existent. The main entrance was a circulating door which became jammed with bodies and thus inoperable. Many of the dead were crushed and asphyxiated due to the panic reaction of the crowd.

The events gave rise to a new discipline in engineering and building design. Engineers the study how individuals use their surrounding environment, identify barriers to effective movement and implement improvements that facilitate movement. Boston banned circulating doors for years after the Cocoanut Grove fire and only allowed their installation in conjunction with flanking doors that open outward. safety.fhwa.dot.gov/ped_bike/ped_focus

Here is the Veritas video.  Most prominently featured are the DC Anti-Fascist Coalition in the persons of Luke Kuhn, said: “The message has to be, we do not recognize the city government either. If you try to close us down we will look for your house, we will burn it. We will physically fight the police if they try to steal one of our places. We will go to war and you will lose.”
Scott Green, “I was thinking of things that ruin, that would ruin the evening, ruin their outfits or otherwise make it impossible to continue with their plans. Make sure they get nothing accomplished.”Colin Dunn,.” The next four years we are going to fight Trump and everything he stands for with no quarter asked, no quarter given. No mercy of any kind.”

They frankly discuss shuting down the Inaugeration Event called the “Deploraball”   You tube.com/watchv=MHZSfhd1X_8&feature  – butyric acid stink bombs. Kuhn said, “Yeah, if you had … a pint of butyric acid, I don’t care how big the building is, it’s closing.” He added that it’s the “best possible location to get to it is the air intake grill of the entire HVAC.”

Let’s discuss what these yahoos are proposing to do. The want to construct a device that delivers an unpleasant odor, akin to feces or farts. Unpleasant in an elevator. They do not want to do this in an elevator. They want to do this in a ballroom. They want a device of sufficient power and magnitude that the entire building will be uninhabitable. That equates to economic damage and vandalism on a grand scale.

First lets look to Wikipedia, the lazy man’s resource guide when it doesn’t have to be quite right. A Stink_bomb is typically a two part device with separate chemicals mixed together to create a chemical reaction. An explosive device is a device that relies on the exothermic reaction of an explosive material to provide a violent release of energy. Essentially both are bombs.

The purpose of a bomb is to damage goods and property, create an economic impact, raise fear and suspicion of the population, demonstrate that the government cannot protect the populace, injure, maim or kill opponents. Wikipedia and the left make the point that “stink bombs” are non-lethal. What do you call a room where all of the ambient room air has been forced out and replaced with an inert gas? A gas chamber.

There is no getting around it these three Kuhn, Green and Dunn are proposing is to set off a bomb in a ballroom occupied by hundreds if not thousands of people. Engineering studies have demonstrated that once panic sets in a crowded space injuries and death can occur because evacuation is delayed. A lack of breathable air is liable to further contribute the death and injury total. The previous administration when confronted with similar perpetrators took steps to have these individuals killed without benefit of a trial and without regard to nationality.

By their own admission they have selected a site, done a preliminary reconnaissance and determined that their plan is sound.  They have discussed their familiarity with the intended substance and intended delivery method and judge that there are no obstacles to success. Despite the fact that the story has been broken and state, local and federal law enforcement has been informed, the three Kuhn, Green and Dunn have not publicly abandoned their plans to disrupt the “Deploraball”, merely stating that previous discussions were disinformation.

Kuhn, Green, and Dunn claim their activities are consistent with peaceful protest  and part of every citizen’s right to engage in civil disobedience. Bomb making and the threat to make war of duly constituted government entities is a felony and criminal activity.

I would make the argument that all three are currently engaged in a felony crime,one that is clearly dangerous to human life. Anybody coming across them would have probable cause and reason to believe that it is therefore necessary to kill them on sight to prevent the imminent loss of life.

While we’re at it let’s steal a page from the radical left and start a self defense fund for anybody of a conservative persuasion who faces prosecution for acting in their own self defense, or defense of a third person.