First there was Noel Coward, then the Cowardly Lion, now the Coward of Broward Co

Why is this guy smiling? He betrayed his agency, community, and peers and he still gets a pension.


Interesting take on Broward County.  All the moving parts that would have to malfunction at different agencies and from different directions make this the biggest coincidence or conspiracy ever. I don’t believe in coincidence.I am not a fan of conspiracy in the classic sense. In order for Cruz to slip through the system so easily, he just had to be in the right place at the right time. Jack-Cashill-incompetence-wasn’t-the-problem-in-Broward-County/

In a dysfunctional agency, the first thing to go is the mission that brought people together and formed them into units to cooperatively accomplish the common mission. Instead, the units hunker down. Some will be in favor because of the personality of the leadership. Others will be out of favor for the same reason. The quality of work is a minor consideration. Units will even work at cross purposes to one another, somebody has to be on the shit list. When you understand these dynamics, then an order that deputies will not enter the kill zone unless they are wearing cameras makes sense. The tactical guys are out of favor and the guy hidden in the basement surrounded by video equipment reigns supreme.

Take it a step further and it even explains the Coward of Broward County. I suspect that the Principal of the school is dead set against police on campus and would be horrified if a police officer used deadly force on campus. Better seventeen innocents dead than one dead shooter, because of a good guy with a gun.