Can You Spot the Victim?

Up is down, down is up. Cannon Hinnant is an oppressor and Darius Sessions the oppressed. Darius was engaged in an act of self defense.

Had enough?

Five year old Cannon Hinnant was riding his bicycle when twenty-five year old Darius Sessions walked up and shot him in the head.

According to a Facebook page, populated by BLM types, Sessions is the victim.

Here is a sampling of the comments:

 “Justice for Darius Sessoms,” left-wing Facebook users reportedly called Sessoms a “political prisoner” and accused the “system” of “persecuting him unjustly.

“I just sent 300 dollars to Darius’ commissary. Stay strong brother,” 

Another person commented on the crowdfunding total the Hinnant family was set to receive. They wrote: “Not surprised the parents are cashing in… we’re going to find out later that he was provoked or somehow set up. Good luck getting that refund.”

I find that last comment particularly telling. The idea that a five year old, provoked or set up his own killing is a variation on a recurrent theme. It is a favorite defense of pedophiles. They attempt to justify their actions in just such terms. Keep in mind this previous PORAC post.

The ANTIFA/BLM crowd seems to be overly populated with convicted sex offenders and pedophiles.
There is something inherently wrong with a movement that would vilify a five year old murder victim and celebrate his killer.