Black Lives Matter, Down on Your Knees

I have written before about the origins of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and about how it was formed by radical lesbian and transgender leftists, who saw an opportunity and exploited it. BLM recently came out with a policy statement.  The claim is it covers six main areas, but then it is subdivided with plenty of subtitles: BLM Policy 

You will not find a complete statement of what BLM stands for in the MSM. Powerline Blog takes a shot at analyzing the content.  It points out the public face of BLM, cops shooting black men for fun and profit is false. It was a false statement when Michael Brown was killed and it remains a false statement.  Now that BLM has got their foot in the door, dead black men have lost their value.Powerlineblog

Now the discussion is about reparations, I thought we did that, LBJ called it the Great Society.  The BLM crowd also advocates the decriminalization of drugs and prostitution and the immediate release of all offenders.  I guess this is part of their push for jobs in the black community.

The decriminalization of prostitution sends a message that would disappoint me as a young black woman. BLM advocates are saying the way to get ahead, for a black woman, is down on her knees with a white dick in her mouth. Could it be such low expectations are the problem?

Gang I was there for the opening salvos on the war on drugs. The call for increased penalties for crack cocaine distribution came from the black community.  The members of the black community were some of my best customers when it came to obtaining information on drug dealers.  They gave away the information for free. Everywhere else I had to pay informers. In the black community they just wanted to sleep through the night without hearing the sound of gunfire.

Sheriff David Clark, a black democrat from Milwaukee, Wisconsin has fought a lonely battle to expose BLM for the terrorist organization, that they are. Other voices are beginning to be heard, mother-of-police-shooting-suspect-blames-black-lives-matter.  This was on Drudge and is already gone, don’t expect to see it on the MSM. She blames BLM after her son and nephew ambushed police officers.  Fortunately everybody involved were bad shots. No one got hit and the boys are in custody.

BLM and their fellow travelers are supported by the democratic party.  I don’t understand how otherwise law abiding citizens can gaze complacently at a wide range of criminal behavior supported by the democrats and conclude this is a good thing.  This isn’t a Chinese menu you don’t get to pick from column “A” and then column “B” you get it all or nothing at all. Drug dealing, prostitution, murder, may be, in BLM’s view, family values they are not shared values across the board. Guess not much has changed since Professor Trilling’s day.

“We who are liberal and progressive know that the poor are our equals in every sense except that of being equal to us.” Lionel Trilling, Columbia Professor